June 7, 2013: Another win, DUI reduced to Disorderly Conduct and actually conditionally discharged upon a fine payment and community service. How does that happen? Hard Work and knowing what to do. The preliminary to negotiating a winning plea to a DUI charge starts with addressing the ALS appeal with seriousness and not as some procedural perfunctory hurdle. It is an Administrative Hearing and it is governed by a different set of rules, but rules nonetheless and I might add, a lot of them. The Administrative Hearing Judges take their role|job seriously and every one I have appeared before is prepared to make tough rulings against a prosecuting officer when a clear case is presented that they should consider and make such a ruling. Not every case is going to be a winning case, no matter who you hire. But you need to hire a lawyer who knows what they are doing. DUI is a sophisticated area of the law. A lot of people think they know what to do or that it is an area of the law that is procedurally based and there is nothing to be done but plead guilty and pay increased insurance rates FOREVER ... The bottom line is to hire an experienced lawyer with a track record. Call me if you have been charged with a DUI in Coweta, Fayette, South Fulton, Meriwether or Heard Counties. If you have one elsewhere I will refer you to a fellow DUI lawyer who knows what they are doing. 770-253-7778 or email me through my website: PraterAttorney.Com. Good Luck and Godspeed.